Please Fill Out In ENGLISH Format Only, Any Other Language Formats Will Be REJECTED.

This Waiting List is for Pet Purchase Only, Not For Breeders.

Paid Waiting List
This waiting list will allow me to know who is interested in our puppies. We will need this form on file to keep with your records. Please fill out and submit it to me before any nonrefundable deposit is sent to breeder. A questionnaire needs to completed first before this waiting list form can be completed. This Waiting List will not become valid until the Waiting List Fee has been paid. KPPK will email you an invoice to pay for the waiting list fees. Once paid you will be added to the Waiting List. The Waiting List is a nonrefundable deposit and will be deducted off of the total price of the puppy/flight/transportation expense. To lock in the prices quoted a nonrefundable waiting list deposit must be paid to lock in the prices that I have quoted within 24 hours of the quote. No placed is saved till payment has been received. Please refer to “Waiting List Terms And Conditions” page to see conditions on pricing on how this is set up.

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